Edible Cookie Dough (healthy, gluten free, low carb)

This Edible Cookie Dough for 1 is a quick and easy treat you can make. I used a combination of brown coconut sugar and the KetoseSweet Steviva granulated sugars as healthier options. Both are low carb and low calorie (KetoseSweet has 1 calorie) sugars. I personally found using a combination of sugars (especially in regards to sugar substitutes) helps with flavor as well as avoiding a sometimes bitter taste that occurs with sugar substitutes.

  cup oats
 2 tbsp butter
 1 ½ tbsp KetoseSweet+
 1 ½ tbsp CocoSweet
 ¼ tsp vanilla
 1 pinch of salt
 1 dash of cinnamon
 1 tsp milk
 3 ½ tbsp dark chocolate chips


Ground oats in a blender or food processor to make oat flour.


Add the oat flour, butter, sugars, vanilla, salt, and cinnamon to a stand mixer or a bowl.


Combine the bowl ingredients and add the milk as your stand mixer is mixing or as you are stirring. You may need to scrape the bowl or the mixing paddle to ensure everything is well combined.


Finally, add the chocolate chips and mix until just combined.


Spoon cookie dough into a small bowl or serving dish and enjoy.


Cookie dough can be covered or placed in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.