No Added Sugar Chocolate Brownie Cake in a Cup

Chocolatey and easy!  This cake in a mug is as delicious as it is

 4 tbsp flour
 2 tbsp Fructevia, Steviva Blend or a tiny dash of SteviaSweet!
 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa
 2 tbsp whisked egg (Note: 1 egg is too much, 1 egg white is too eggy, & 1 yolk is too dense. But 2 tablespoons is just right!)
 3 tbsp milk (or choice of nut milk)
 3 tbsp coconut oil or oil of choice
 3 tbsp carob or sugar free chocolate chips
 2 tbsp chopped walnuts, pecans, or your favorite nuts
 Splash of vanilla or other flavoring (i.e. peppermint or cinnamon)


Add all of the dry ingredients to the mug and mix.


Add the egg and combine well.


Stir in milk and oil.


Add chocolate chips and splash of vanilla. Stir well.


Microwave for 3 minutes in a 1000w oven, or 4 minutes in a 700w oven.


It will start to crown over the top of the mug. Don't worry, it will collapse once the heat stops!