More than 20 years ago, Thom King, a self-professed foodie and “health nut,” was introduced to a green herbal paste from Paraguay. The paste, while bitter, was also very sweet, and Thom was inspired to figure out how to safely and cleanly extract the sweet part of the stevia leaf and use it as a natural sweetener. Steviva’s roots were set in Topanga, California in 1999 when we started importing stevia extract and stevia leaves from abroad. This was long before the FDA allowed stevia to be used as a sweetener. Times were lean then, but the story of stevia needed to be told.
From its humble beginnings in Thom’s small garage in Los Angeles, Steviva Brands has grown into a company comprised of passionate health advocates and food scientists with one goal: to bring an end to metabolic disease and help everyone live healthier lives.
Read more about Thom King.
Metabolic disease encompasses several conditions, such as increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels. These can occur simultaneously, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. The increasing prevalence of diabetes is considered a health epidemic as more than 29 million people in the US have diabetes, and another 86 million have pre-diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Steviva Brands was created with the sole purpose of helping to reverse this health epidemic by providing consumers with safe and delicious sweeteners that can be used for:
· Cooking and baking
· Homemade delicious beverages
· Homemade condiments and sauces
· Delicious low carb smoothies
· And much more… you can see this within our Recipe Portal
We have poured our hearts into building a company that makes it easier than ever to transition to a healthier lifestyle.
For more detailed information on our ingredients, check out our parent company’s website,
At Steviva, we want to make sugar reduction as delicious and effortless as possible. Let's start you off with a welcome discount!
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