07 Aug How Diet and Exercise Effect Sleep
Can’t Sleep?
“how diet and exercise can help you get your 8 hours”
It’s 1 a.m. You’re wide awake. And there’s isn’t a sheep to count in sight. Relax, you’re not alone. Millions of people suffer from insomnia. So, what’s the cause? Unless you’re a princess sleeping on a pea or just afflicted with a sleep disorder, chances are stress, lack of exercise or poor eating habits are keeping you from a quality snooze.
To reduce the hours of bad late night TV and increase productivity during the day when it really matters, follow these simple precautions.
Avoid Alcohol
You’ve been warned about the dangers of mixing alcohol with driving, operating machinery, work, and even sex. The same goes for nightcaps. Although touted as a traditional sleep aid, drinking two glasses or more of alcohol up to an hour before bedtime can suppress your REM time.
Don’t Pig Out
Big meals can make you drowsy, but not long enough to aid sleep. Experts suggest a light evening meal consisting of chicken, extra-lean meat or fish not to exceed 500 calories.
Watch The Spice
Meals laced with garlic, chilies, cayenne powder and other spicy gas-forming foods can cause abdominal discomfort, which wreaks havoc with your REM.
Work Out Sleep Tight
A Stanford study suggests that as little as 45 minutes a day of exercise twice a week helps people sleep up to 45 minutes longer. However, strenuous exercise should be avoided up to six hours before bedtime, and mild exercise should be discontinued four hours prior to snoozing.
Watch The Carbs and Sugars
Snack foods such as crackers, fruit, cookies or toast can help the release of a natural sleep aid called serotonin within the blood stream. While the aforementioned edibles are better than a chemical sleep aid, be sure to watch your overall calorie intake for the day.
Follow these and before long you will be sleeping like a baby.
Have an excellent week.