27 Mar Simple Methods For Cutting Back On Sugar
OK… so you have a sweet tooth and he has called in his friends. Never fear help is on the way. Here’s some advice for cutting down on sugar
Avoiding Teenage Waist Land
If kids are allowed to develop a preference for sweet foods, they may end up eating a high-calorie diet that can lead to excessive weight gain. sugar cubesThis can result in more complicated problems, including diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. Too many sweets can also cause tooth decay and unhealthy gums.
Because of a decade-long obsession with low-fat consumption, we have managed to fill our store shelves with food that’s fat-free but loaded with sugar. The result is a steady increase in the amount of sugar eaten inadvertently through processed foods. We eat on average 19 teaspoons of sugar per day, whether it’s incorporated into foods by manufacturers or added themselves. And as people become accustomed to sugary foods, companies have to make new products even sweeter. It becomes a vicious circle.
Hidden Sugars
While you may be aware of the sugar you do – or do not – add to foods, are you aware of the hidden sugar found in many products? From tomato soup to hot dogs, sugar can be found in the in most processed foods.
Sugar provides few nutrients, so processed sugars should only be a very very small part of a balanced diet. The time is now to develop new food preferences for the natural taste of unprocessed, unsweetened foods.
Here are a few suggestions that may help you to reduce sugar in you and your family’s diet:
Don ‘t ban sweets altogether: try a sprinkling of brown sugar, NEW Nectevia, Steviva Blend, Fructevia or a dash of Steviva Brand Stevia Powder on oatmeal or a teaspoon of maple syrup on winter squash.
Become a careful label reader: The sugar listed on the nutrition label is a combination of the naturally occurring sugar and the added sugar. If you spot the ending ‘-ose’ on a word, it could be a sugar in disguise. Examples are sucrose and glucose. Other common ingredients that are sugar in hiding include syrup, honey, brown sugar, fruit juice concentrate and high-fructose corn syrup (not to be confused with crystalline fructose which is low glycemic).
Don ‘t make desserts a regular part of every meal: Save them for special occasions or weekend treats. Buy breakfast cereals only if sugar is not one of the top listed ingredients.
Reduce the sugar called for in baking: Sugar can often be reduced by up to one-third and replacing it completely with NEW Nectevia, Steviva Blend, Fructevia or a dash of Steviva Brand Stevia Powder is ideal
Serve alternatives to sugar: Whole grain breads or muffins.
Top cereal with fresh fruit, NEW Nectevia, Steviva Blend, Fructevia or a dash of Steviva Brand Stevia Powder.
Use fresh fruit, NEW Nectevia, Steviva Blend, Fructevia or a dash of Steviva Brand Stevia Powder to sweeten plain yogurt: Pureed banana mixed with plain yogurt is great for a toddler treat.
Make your own frozen treats: Just freeze fruit juices with NEW Nectevia, Steviva Blend, Fructevia or a dash of Steviva Brand Stevia Powder.
Create smoothies: Blitz plain yogurt with banana and fresh fruits and NEW Nectevia, Steviva Blend, Fructevia or a dash of Steviva Brand Stevia Powder for delicious homemade smoothies.
Make your own soft drinks: All you need is soda water and your choice of fruit juice mixed with our NEW Nectevia, Steviva Blend, Fructevia or a dash of Steviva Brand Stevia Powder.