06 May There Is No Such Thing As Failures, Only Unexpected Results
learning from your mistakes and growing from your failures
Motivation speaker Anthony Robbins once said “There is no such thing as failure. There are only results.” I for one have experienced a lot of results that I didn’t expect and for that matter didn’t desire. But, from each result I grew. I looked at what I did right and what I did wrong and evaluated the results and adjusted my game plan to take me to a result that would be more desirable.
Self-examination and introspection are the tools of trade if you want to win this game and garner the results you are looking for. I am going to share with you a very personal experience and give you an example of results that I was not looking for and how it played out in my growth and learning.
They say that the school of hard knocks has a high tuition and in this case the tuition was through the roof. But, in the end I have found myself with an honorary PhD in life. After soul crushing events come to a close I found that forcing myself to pick up the pieces and sort out what was left brought a sense of closure. If you find yourself in a situation similar it is inevitable that you will have times that you think “I can’t” but, let the words of sages guide you with… “If you can’t you must. If you must you can.” Like a Phoenix from the ashes your focus will come back.
Create a life plan for yourself; where do you want to be in a year, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years and more. What is your legacy going to be? Evaluated what you could have done better, what you did right and how to garner better results from relationships. You will likely find that you will become a better and stronger person from this.
The take home on this story is that no matter how different the results are from what you expected, you will rise up, break the chains of bad decision making, learn, change and prosper in the future. After all, if you do what you have always done, you will get what you’ve always gotten. Here are few great tips on how you can take what you have learned from unexpected results and turn them to your advantage:
- Examine the result you got compare it to the result you desired and focus on the desired outcome.
- Take your time. Napoleon never made an immediate decision. He waited at least 3 days. He figured that in that time the matter would settle itself … if not, he would have a well-seasoned solution developed.
- Make yourself number one! Embrace the fact that you deserve a positive outcome and you are good enough for great things. Keep repeating this to yourself until this is tattooed on your belief system.
Without failure there is rarely growth. Here’s to a future for you that garners the results that help you grow.