05 Jul Listening to Your Inner Guide
five ways to tap into and trust your intuition
Listening to your intuition is one of the most powerful assets you can carry in your savings account of personal development tools. But, it can be one of the most difficult to tap into. Most of us do not trust our intuition fully. Not because our intuition has ever steered us wrong, quite the contrary. Has there ever been a time in you life that you have fully listened to your intuition and the net result was not positive? Yet, we all doubt our intuition even though it has served us well. I have found that the reason for this “doubting Thomas” syndrome lies in the fact that intuition defies our need for logic. There is nothing logic based in listening to a “gut feeling”. There are generally no facts to back it up; it is just a feeling. And in these times feelings are unfortunately easily dismissed.
Whenever you have an intuitive or gut feeling, you will probably get some sort of physical sensation like a fluttering feeling in your chest or a feeling in your stomach.
Whenever that feeling that your intuition has been stirred focus on this physical sensation. When you practice feeling your intuition your body and mind make a mental note of what is going on. With time and practice these feelings will become very apparent to you. And over time you will begin to trust them. I recommend that you write it down when you encounter these feelings it will affirm everything you are feeling and strengthen your trust.
When you repeat this process over and over your confidence in your intuition will grow and eventually you will learn to listen and trust completely.
Here are a few tips on how to get in touch with and trust your intuition:
1. Shhhhh… Be quiet
Practice taking time out every day to experience silence. Calm your mind with traditional or active meditation. Release your need to think, analyze, and know everything. The best information comes from the deep recesses of your spirit.
2. Be open and receptive
Open to the gift of intuition and accept what is has to tell you. Many times, our ego thinks it has it “all figured out,” but your true path may look very different than the one you are on. Being open to new possibilities and ways of living is paramount.
3. Be creative
There are many ways to be creative, painting, writing, dancing, designing a web site, etc. Do something that helps you get into the “flow,” that place where time seems to fly by and the work is leading you. Creativity is an expression of your spirit and goes hand-in-hand with intuitive guidance.
4. Ask questions
When you ask yourself questions, you gain additional insight and clarity. When you ask a question like “What is the next step I need to take?” know that you already know what you need to know. Trust yourself. You already have everything you need inside.
5. Journal
When you write, you tap into thoughts, feelings, ideas and direction that you are not consciously aware of. Writing allows the truth to come forth and is an easy way to gain insight from your inner self.
Over a short period of time you will develop a level of trust and clarity in yourself and your feelings that you have never experienced before.