Closing One Door to Open Another

Not all those who wander are lost. ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

Countless times we have all heard a friend or colleague say if only I had a new job or new partner, new house… infinitum. And thus the never ending conundrum of always wanting what believe we can not have. A wise sage once told me that in order to invite new possibilities into my life that there must be a space created for it to manifest. I have taken this tidbit of information along with me on my life’s journey and have always found it to be a useful tool.

Life is a rich cornucopia of varied experiences. It is our birthright to enjoy and enhance our lives with new experiences and opportunities. It is easy to get stuck in one place. What keeps us stuck if the fear of change. The fear that what awaits us on the path ahead is not as good as what we have now; even if what we have now is not so great. The fear of the unknown keeps us stuck. The only way I have seen to release or at least manage the fear of what lies ahead is to trust. Trust yourself, trust your intuition, trust your guides, listen to advice, grit your teeth, take the plunge and most importantly trust the universe.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda. The three words that spell regret. I shoulda taken that job, I coulda been a great dad, I woulda been something special but… The time is right now to change direction, let go of the old and embrace the new journey you are about to embark on. In life it is much better to regret the things you have done then to regret the things you haven’t. Start now with change. Trust it and embrace it. See the world in a new light and your path will be illuminated. As with all paths, you can always change direction if you don’t like where you are going. As J.R.R. Tolkien said “ not all those who wander are lost”.

In a nut shell you must let go of what you cling to now in order to create space for something better to manifest in your life. Do this and watch change for the better manifest.

I’ll see you along the path.

Have an excellent Day!

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