Keto Chocolate Mint Protein Shake


A Holiday themed mint protein shake. The freshness of the mint is a great change for a boring meal replacement shake.

Yields1 Serving
Prep Time5 mins
 1 Scoop Unsweetened Protein Powder
 3 tbsp Steviva Ketosesweet Sweetener
 1 Mint Leaf
 8 oz Unsweetened Cashew Milk

Add in the cashew milk, sweetener, protein powder, cocoa nibs, and mint leaf into a blender. Blend on high until ingredients have mixed well. Serve chilled.


 1 Scoop Unsweetened Protein Powder
 3 tbsp Steviva Ketosesweet Sweetener
 1 Mint Leaf
 8 oz Unsweetened Cashew Milk



Add in the cashew milk, sweetener, protein powder, cocoa nibs, and mint leaf into a blender. Blend on high until ingredients have mixed well. Serve chilled.

Keto Chocolate Mint Protein Shake

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