White Chocolate Red Velvet Protein Truffles


Is red velvet more of a Christmas thing or Valentine’s Day thing? I can’t decide, but I do know that these White Chocolate Red Velvet Protein truffles are perfect anytime a red velvet craving strikes! They’ve got rich red velvet flavor with just a hint of cocoa, and a melt-in-your-mouth white chocolate coating.

Yields12 Servings
 ¼ cup beets peeled and steamed
 6 tbsp unsweetened almond milk
 ¼ cup creamy almond butter
 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
 ¼ tsp butter extract optional
 90 g chocolate protein powder
 ½ cup KetoseSweet+
  tsp sea salt
 2 oz white chocolate chips
 ½ tsp coconut oil

Scrub and peel one small beet. Microwave (covered) for 6-8 minutes with a splash of water.


Blend beet, almond milk, almond butter, and extracts until smooth.


Pour blended mixture into a small bowl and add protein powder, sweetener, and salt (optional); mix until a soft dough is formed.


Using rounded tablespoons, roll into balls and place in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.


Meanwhile, melt white chocolate with coconut oil in the microwave by 15-20 second intervals, stirring each time until smooth.


Using a spoon, roll each chilled ball in melted chocolate.


Spoon each truffle onto a plate or sheet lined with parchment/wax paper and let the chocolate set at room temperature.


Enjoy at room temperature or store in the fridge up to one week.



 ¼ cup beets peeled and steamed
 6 tbsp unsweetened almond milk
 ¼ cup creamy almond butter
 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
 ¼ tsp butter extract optional
 90 g chocolate protein powder
 ½ cup KetoseSweet+
  tsp sea salt
 2 oz white chocolate chips
 ½ tsp coconut oil



Scrub and peel one small beet. Microwave (covered) for 6-8 minutes with a splash of water.


Blend beet, almond milk, almond butter, and extracts until smooth.


Pour blended mixture into a small bowl and add protein powder, sweetener, and salt (optional); mix until a soft dough is formed.


Using rounded tablespoons, roll into balls and place in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.


Meanwhile, melt white chocolate with coconut oil in the microwave by 15-20 second intervals, stirring each time until smooth.


Using a spoon, roll each chilled ball in melted chocolate.


Spoon each truffle onto a plate or sheet lined with parchment/wax paper and let the chocolate set at room temperature.


Enjoy at room temperature or store in the fridge up to one week.

White Chocolate Red Velvet Protein Truffles

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