Feasting In The Fast Lane
Category: Inspirational, Lifestyle, Low Carb, Mindfulness, Motivational, Nutrition, weight loss
“How to maintain your weight while eating on the fly”
If you’re speeding through your meals in the fast lane, you’re making it a lot easier to overeat and a lot more difficult to lose weight. Read the rest...
Three Easy Steps to Increase Your Energy
Category: Increase Energy, Inspirational, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Motivational, Nutrition, Stress Management, Wellness
Living an energy filled enthusiastic life can be both enriching and healthy. Since energy is the fuel with which everything is achieved, there seems to be a direct relationship between energy levels and levels of health, happiness and achievement. Read the rest...
Winning the Battle of Body Image
Category: Body Image, Inspirational, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Motivational, weight loss, Wellness
“Transforming your self image and propelling your weight loss”
All of us sometimes wake up on the wrong side of the bed . It’s these times when we look in the mirror and loath what we see in the reflection. Read the rest...
“Little decisions that can take you from fat to fit”
According to recent research, the average person makes 200 decisions every day that will influence his or her weight. And most of these decisions aren’t monumental choices, most, in fact, are small choices, habits if you will, that over time can take us to two places – fit or flab. Read the rest...
Meditate Your Way To Good Health
Category: Inspirational, Lifestyle, Metabolic disease, Mindfulness, Stress Management, Wellness
“One hour of meditation equals four hours of sleep”
I hesitate to use the word meditation. To me, as well as many others, the word “meditation” conjures up the picture of a bearded man sitting cross-legged in front of an entrance to a cave or high on a mountain top. Read the rest...
It’s Time For You To Have A Little Talk With Yourself
Category: Inspirational, Lifestyle, Motivational, Stress Management, weight loss, Wellness
One of the most powerful tools I have in my “pick me up” arsenal is Positive Self Talk. It is something any of us can do at any time and it is a really great way to start off the day. Read the rest...
It’s Time To Face The Music
Category: Inspirational, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Stress Management, Wellness
“The healing and motivational qualities of music”
I have traveled abroad quite a bit and what I found is the common thread between all persons on this earth is music. Read the rest...
“The process of making lasting change to your weight”
There are six distinct stages that individuals go through in the process of making a lifestyle change. These stages of change also apply to losing weight. Read the rest...
Sharing Joy With Others
Category: Inspirational
Interacting with others of like mind can encourage us to explore social events in our local area, or invite some friends and coworkers to our home for an informal party.
It is a soul enriching endeavor to share our joy with others by volunteering our time to those in need. Read the rest...
Offering Comfort
Category: Inspirational
Consider offering comfort and succor to individuals who are facing dire circumstances or have recently lived through traumatic events. It is natural to want to be as reassuring and encouraging as possible, we may question how it is best to offer both comfort and guidance. Read the rest...